Bao nhiêu trong số các bạn vẫn thường nghe thấy rằng: "Khách hàng là thượng đế"?
Bao nhiêu trong số các bạn biết rằng mối quan hệ giữa người với người là rất cần thiết trong cuộc sống?
Bài dưới đây cho chúng ta thêm thông tin về tầm quan trọng giữa những
con người với nhau trong cùng 1 tổ chức chứ không chỉ tổ chức đó với
những khách hàng. :)
Don't Trust Companies Who Put Customers First
“Our customers are our number one priority,” is the oft heard mantra of
so many companies these days. “We put our clients first,” is uttered by
so many CEOs one loses track.
But there’s a problem with putting customers first. It means that employees come at least second.
Customers should never be the priority…people should be the priority.
Some of those people buy from us, some of those people work for us, it’s
only a behavioral difference. They are all people and all business
decisions should be made considering the impact on the people who are on
the receiving end of our decisions.
Splitting the population
into distinct sects – employees and customers – and having different
standards and policies for each is nothing short of racism. To treat one
group better than another simply because of who they are is something
Martin Luther King Jr. rallied against decades ago.
I have a
dream! I have a dream that one day, customers and employees will both be
treated equally and treated well. Not because of what they do or how
they are seen but because they are both people. Customers and employees
both bleed red. Customers and employees both feel happy and hurt.
Customers and employees both live to feel valued for the effort they
exert and the expense they put forth.
This is the new civil rights movement. People are the priority.
P.S. For those who think numbers come before people, regardless if they
are customers or employees, I hope you never have to check your child
into a hospital run by someone who agrees with you.
Simon Sinek
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